The Mindset Mentoring Academy
Thinking Into Results
The World acclaimed ‘Mentor of Success’ Bob Proctor has committed his 50yrs of knowledge and Success that has helped generate hundreds of millions of dollars in wealth for his business and personal clients, into this game changing 12 Step System ‘Thinking into Results’.
Alongside Sandy Gallagher, the originator of this life changing system, both Bob and Sandy will guide you, step by step, as you integrate this phenomenal knowledge into your business and personal life. ‘Thinking into Results' will fundamentally change your relationship with Success forever.
- 12 Lesson Video Series with Bob Proctor & Sandy Gallagher. Includes both Spanish & German subtitles.
- 12 Lesson MP3 Audio files which can be individually downloaded onto your phone to listen to anytime anywhere. (English & Spanish Only)
- 205 Page Digital Participant Learning Guide & Comprehensive In-Depth Workbook. (Available in both Spanish & German)
- Includes The German Digital Participant Learning Guide, Comprehensive In-Depth Workbook and the additional course notes. (*No Audio material is currently available in German at this time.)
- Additional In-Depth Reading Material and Notes with Accountability Worksheets for tracking your progress.
- A Special and Unique Invitation To A Monthly ‘Thinking Into Results Q&A Session with Bob Proctor himself.
- A special and unique invitation, every two weeks, to a ‘Thinking into Results’ Mentoring Zoom Session with Nigel Brennan, CEO of Mindset Mentoring.
The Science of Getting Rich
Empowering You To Produce Wealth & Live The Life You Want!
Bonus One Value €9,500
The Science of Getting Rich is quite possibly the most impactful personal development program available. It teaches the foundations of personal development, the law of attraction and achieving the life you really want. It will teach you how to execute and achieve your goals with precision and accuracy.
Bob Proctor used this powerful system to build practically his entire fortune. And it has served as the foundation for virtually every piece of work Bob has ever written, and all the most powerful seminars he has taught around the world. Those seminars have helped corporations worldwide improve their sales by hundreds of millions of dollars. If you want an infallible formula for wealth and success, The Science of Getting Rich is for you.
The Science of Getting Rich is a series of 18 audio lessons that you can easily download onto your computer or mobile phone allowing you to listen to each lesson anytime or anywhere. Also includes a 210-page digital and print-ready Science of Getting Rich workbook.
The Streaming Club - One Year Access
Bonus Two Value €1,100
Mastermind and learn from the world’s master thinkers and achievers each and every week. We stream straight to you. The LIVE streaming sessions and recordings look great on all devices. So, whether you’re on the go or in the comfort of your own home you can enjoy the Streaming Club stress free.
In the Proctor Gallagher Streaming Club, you can expect:
- LIVE Streams with Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher at least once a week.
- Consistently GROW Your Income Through LIVE Private Coaching Sessions Every 2 Weeks.
- Proctor Gallagher Streaming Club Private Members Facebook Group.
- An archive of recordings from past streaming sessions.
- New and old ideas that will surely transform your life.
- A go-to place for motivation, inspiration and the very best information available.
During these LIVE streaming sessions, we give you everything you need to:
- Increase your vibration and awareness.
- Motivate you into action.
- Open up new possibilities.
- Help you make frequent and immediate progress towards your goals and dreams.
Think about how dramatically your life will change by spending time every week productively working on yourself, moving in the right direction, creating your own economy and reaching your biggest goals.
Six Minutes to Success
Bonus Three Value €350
Dramatically increase your results – In ALL areas of your life with the ease, convenience and motivation of Six Minutes to Success. Get practical steps combined with the real inspiration you need to earn more money, create thriving relationships, start a successful business and live a more productive and fulfilling life.
- A Six Minute Video with Bite Size Success Tips every morning with Bob Proctor.
- The Success Start-Up Kit consisting of four videos to get you moving in the right direction.
- Six Minutes Action Planner.
- In the comfort of your own home.
- With the easy convenience of a mobile phone.
- With thought free daily reminders to keep you on track.
- Lessons with Bob Proctor, the star of the hit movie 'The Secret'.
Just imagine having a place to find the answers to any question life throws at you. Imagine what your life might look like 30 or even 90 days from now after learning from the best teacher in the world on human potential and success every single day. You don’t have to imagine anymore.

We're Adding Even More Value
- Success Puzzle – Organize Your Goals And Lay Out The Specific Plan Of Action To Create Success In Every Area Of Your Life… (€175 Value)
- 12 Principles For Winning The Mind Game – Learn From My 50 Years Of Experience In How To Have Constant Success In The Mind… (€129 Value)
- Free Ticket to our next Three Day Live-Streaming Event (€450 Value)
- Fast & Awesome Support – (Value PRICELESS)
Change Your Life Today!
Investment: €5,995 + VAT@23% (If Applicable)
Useful and Important information on possible Tax Relief as a Business Owner OR as an Individual Client.
Mindset Mentoring Ltd is an Irish registered corporate entity which will be providing a professional service to you, our client. Our service is designed specifically as an educational training programme, which is geared to maximise the potential of You, your Staff and your Business. In line with issued legislation and the Irish Revenue Commissioners guidelines, if you are a registered Sole Trader, Partnership, Business or Corporate Entity and you avail of our service, this expense which is wholly and exclusively for the purpose of your business will be fully deductible as a business expense in your financial statements.
Please check your local tax code, in your country of origin, to confirm if you may also be eligible for this class of tax relief. As you would expect, all clients are provided with a Mindset Mentoring Ltd Company Invoice.
Individual clients purchasing this program from outside the EU are 100% exempt from VAT and therefore DO NOT pay the applicable VAT. If however you are an individual within the Republic of Ireland or the EU you will be obliged to pay the VAT.
Therefore, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to send you a 10% Discount Code in order for you to avail of this phenomenal life changing program. I hope this information is of value to you.